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Everything You Need to Know About Teething

Seeing your baby smile is one of the loveliest feelings in the world, so it can be tough for both of you when their teeth start to emerge and your little one seems to be more upset than usual – but the more you know about teething, the more you can do to get through it


Teething usually starts at around six months, but don’t worry if this isn’t the case for your little one - every baby is different! For some babies, their teeth only make an appearance after their first birthday – and other babies are actually born with their first teeth!

The bottom front teeth are usually the first teeth to make their debut, followed by their top front teeth, incisors and molars. Generally, most children will have all their milk teeth by the age of 3.


You might not even know when your baby is teething, as for some it’s totally painless, whereas for others it can range from a few days of mild discomfort to being quite a painful process. When your baby starts teething, common symptoms include:

  • Swollen, red gums

Your baby’s gums might look sore and irritated where the teeth are starting to push through.


  • A flushed, red cheek

You might notice that your little one has a rosy-red cheek due to the gum irritation.


  • Dribbling more than usual

Teething stimulates drooling, so you might notice your baby is dribbling a lot. This can lead to a ‘teething rash’, where your baby’s delicate skin gets irritated and sore around the mouth and chin.


  • Chewing or biting a lot

Your baby may bite on their toys or other objects to try and relieve the pressure in their gums.


  • Seeming more unsettled

If your little one is uncomfortable, they may seem irritable or fussy and might be waking up more than usual at night.


Thankfully, if your baby is teething, there are plenty of ways you can try to ease their discomfort and soothe their gums!

  • Teething rings

As chewing can offer some relief for your little one’s achy gums, teething rings are a safe way to do this. A teething ring can be cooled in the fridge to soothe their mouth – just make sure not to put it in the freezer, as this could hurt their sensitive gums. A clean, damp cloth kept in the fridge can also have the same effect.


  • Massage their gums

Gently massaging your baby’s gums can offer them some relief, so with clean hands, softly massage their gums in a circular motion to ease any discomfort.


  • Cold food

If your baby is being weaned, cold foods such as yoghurt and chilled mashed banana can be easier for them to eat and soothe their gums


  • Comfort them

As if you needed more reasons to cuddle your baby! Cuddling them or playing with them can be a great distraction and can give you both some much-needed rest.


As soon as your baby’s teeth start coming through, you’ll need to start brushing them twice a day – even though there won’t be much to brush! A soft baby toothbrush and a tiny dab of fluoride toothpaste will do the trick.


Some parents report that their little one experiences diarrhoea during teething, meaning they have a higher chance of developing nappy rash. If your baby is teething, use our Everyday Ointment at each nappy change to help prevent a nappy rash outbreak and look after your baby’s delicate skin.

Sometimes your baby will be more prone to nappy rash than others, so take a look at the other main triggers.

Do you have any top tips that helped your little one through teething? Let us know on our Facebook page.

Metanium Nappy Rash Ointment is a medicine. Always read the label.